Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day nr.3 - Hard work

Hello, Zdravo, Sveiki, Privet, Ahoj!!!

We are improving many many new skills here... International cooperation, new languages and team work :))).

Today we were motivated by a very nice lecture about competitions and our winning spirit started to show its real face more and more... We couldn't wait when we get to the lab and throw ourselves on programming Dingo.
The movie we saw was from a guy, Sebastian Thrun, who won the DARPA challenge and wrote a nice book about robotics which serves as an example 4 the new generation of robotics lovers. We got really carried away from his winning attitude and eternal trust in his team that was working on the autonomous vehicle.

After we saw all the possible uses of robots we all started thinking about what kind of a robot we would like to have. So here it goes:
-Ilina would like robots that will help in children developments capable of singing, dancing, speaking and helping kids learn the language at really early ages. Robots will be nice toys and if we use them smart they can do miracles. Actually those kind of robots are already available and you can see them on
-Anton doesn't like house work so he would like one robot that would be able to find his dirty clothes and put them in the washing machine instead of him. Well sorry Anton but this kind of robot is still not available but when it comes out we will inform you...
-Zdenek is a true Czech (and we all know that they are beer lovers :D) he would like to have a robot that would take care of his beer - keep it cold always. Well Zdenek maybe U can inform all the beer lovers to start a revolution and fight 4 your rights...
- Baiba didn't have any special wishes...just one... little, tiny one: the world to look like the Jetsons in the future... well let's hope that our great-great....grand children will live to see that :)

You never know what the future will bring.. Maybe our current assignments will be celebrated in the future like a robot revolution and we will be really widely known... Keep reading our everyday news and see what happens...
In the meantime we will have fun with our lovely orgaNICErs that really work hard to provide us with everything we need..

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